We are Droptica
Drupal agency
This year we celebrated the 6th anniversary of Droptica. Over the years we've become the biggest and the most known company in Poland that builds and supports the Drupal-based services.
From the beginning, our goal is to develop the company in ways that are the most beneficial to our clients. We deliver projects we are proud of.
Our values
Each employee is an important part of our team. We work as efficiently as a sports team, together reaching the set goals. We help each other to become even better experts.
Why choose Droptica?
Our approach is why the clients from all around the world trust us. We engage in long-lasting relationships with them. We are valued for effective communication and delivery of only working, scalable and bug-free solutions.
We offer:
Our pride
We deliver projects that we ourselves use gladly.
Droopler is a Drupal 8 based distro. In fact, you are using it right now!
Check below, what more it has to offer:
The Training Realm web application lets its users log the training sessions, schedules training and matches its difficulty to the user's level.
Continuous Integration
in Drupal
Keynote - discussion panel - The best practices Drupal
Maciej Łukiański
Co-owner of DropticaMaciej has more than 10 years of experience as a Drupal programmer.
He is a co-owner of Droptica and one of the most active and recognizable members of polish Drupal community. He was also a speaker at numerous european DrupalCamps.
Fundacja Drupal Marketing Poland - podsumowanie roku działalności i plany na najbliższy rok
Grzegorz Bartman
Co-owner of DropticaGrzegorz develops websites and applications with PHP since 2002, and uses Drupal since 2008.
He is a president of the Drupal Marketing Poland Fundation, co-owner of Droptica and co-organizer of many DrupalCamps. He also supports other OpenSource initiatives.
Paweł Górski
Drupal PHP webdeveloperPaweł is one of several developers certified by Acquia that work at Droptica. He's also one of Droopler's - the Drupal 8-based distro - maintainers.
He has more that 10 years of experience in IT and works with Drupal since 2014. He frequently leads Drupal Days - workshops that take place in many polish cities.
How to create dynamic layouts with Layout Builder
Mariusz Andrzejewski
Drupal PHP webdeveloperMariusz is a PHP developer at Droptica. He has more than 6 years of experience in using web tools thathe gained by creating services and applications of varying scale and complexity levels, mostly used by government and administration and companies dealing with construction and new technologies.
He works as a full stack developer with Drupal since 2016.