A new Drupal website for the Italian Registry nic.it


The case study of the Italian Registry nic.it focused on project management. With its 150,000 unique visitors per month, the Registro.it website is the most widely used platform in Italy for checking the domain names availability. The "whois" feature is flanked by a typically content-oriented structure to communicate and promote the Italian Registry and the .it domains.


Defined by Going Global UK: "LEADING EXPERT IN INTERNATIONAL DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES". Coordinator of the Networking Club of Philip Kotler at the Italian Marketing Foundation. The only Italian who accomplished the MIT Digital Business Strategy Executive Program about Digital Transformation (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Co-founder of Weevo, co-publisher of Il Giornale delle PMI, author of "Strategie web per i mercati esteri", Hoepli 2016 (Digital Strategies for International Markets).
